The Advisory Board provides objective and valuable feedback to improve COSEE Coastal Trends’ programs and expand the reach of its activities. Since the board members come from a variety of backgrounds in education, science, public outreach, and private business, they can provide unique perspectives on increasing ocean literacy.
| From Left to right: Dr. Fred Hildenbrand, Superintendant of Dorchester County Schools; Ted Peck, retired CEO and Chairman of Ryland Group, Inc.; Charlie Stek, Director, John Smith Water Trail, former congressional aid; Dr. Tom Malone, Professor, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science; Dr. Cathy Lascara, Chief Operating Officer, Software Division, Mechdyne; Dr. Maurice Crawford, Asst. Professor, Elizabeth City State College; Tiah McKinney, Project Director, BEN Digital Library Project, Biotechnology Institute Corporation (not shown). |